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2-years rotation, an alternative to maize monocropping in Bearn (France)

Authors: Nicolas Fleureau, Pierre Rochepeau

Problem: In Bearn, maize is well adapted to the pedoclimatic context, with no loss of yield potential when grown as a monocrop. But, regulatory pressure and price volatility risks, as well as increasing attacks from bio-aggressors, threaten maize monocropping. It is essential to experiment with alternative cropping systems combining respect for the environment, efficient management of bio-aggressors, productivity and profitability.

Solution: As an alternative to maize monocropping, a 2-years rotation has been implemented (Figure 1). It consists of a sequence of 4 crops in 2 years: maize, cover crop (oats & mustard), soybean and oats as an energy catch crop (ECC). Thanks to the introduction of legumes and cover crops, which enable crop diversification whilst qualifying for coupled aids, this innovative system has proved to enhance agronomic, environmental and economic performances.

English: 2-years rotation, an alternative to maize monocropping in Bearn (France)

French: La rotation sur 2 ans, une alternative à la monoculture du maïs en Béarn

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