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Facilitating a multi-actor stakeholder process using forcefield analysis

Authors: Marie Wesselink, Jorieke Potte

Problem: The dairy and feed production system in the Netherlands is not sustainable. The collective and individual actions of many different stakeholders is required to change this system. Besides farmers, advisors and contractors, also public actors and NGO’s influence the feed production system. All actors have their own perspective and interests, which influence what action they do or do not take in a complex forcefield of drivers and bottlenecks for change.

Solution: Creating shared ownership of the problems and guidance and a safe space to form partnerships and define collective and individual actions. This was done by interviewing each individual stakeholder and making sure to integrate their perspectives and positions into the analysis of the forcefield. This ensured that all stakeholders were heard, thus creating a safe basis for the workshop to discuss the challenges together and identify solutions and options for collective action. Facilitating a multi-actor stakeholder process using forcefield analysis

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