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ORC - Organic Research Centre, UK

The Progressive Farming Trust Ltd., trading as the Organic Research Centre (ORC), is the UK’s leading independent research and development institution for agro-ecology and organic agriculture. Founded over 30 years ago, ORC conducts multi-disciplinary and collaborative research with UK and European partners into various aspects of sustainable farming. The ethos of ORC is to engage with the end user, and therefore it has a strong focus on knowledge dissemination and undertakes participatory research where appropriate.

Role in the project

The main tasks of ORC within DiverIMPACTS include leadership of work package 6, leading task 6.1 and 6.4 as well as conducting three case studies in work package 2; and further involvement in work package 7, where it will contribute its knowledge of scientific and grey literature to the network and its experience in developing end-user material.

Key persons involved

  • Anja Vieweger, Leader work package 6, leader task 6.1
  • Anna Sellars, Leader task 6.4
  • Susanne Padel


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