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DiverIMPACTS practice abstracts: practical information about crop diversification

DiverIMPACTS has produced many practice abstracts focusing on topics ranging from agricultural techniques and how to diversify cropping systems to dissemination and enhancing actor networks. Practice abstracts are short, accessible factsheets that provide practical information in a common format. They fill a key role in knowledge exchange and dissemination in the DiverIMPACTS project, allowing for technical guidance and results to be made more accessible for a wide range of audiences.

Practice abstracts follow a common structure, splitting a technical report into the problem, proposed solution, outcome/benefits and contextual information, finishing with some practical recommendations and key resources. This structure splits technical information in a manner that makes it more accessible for farmers, advisors, researchers, policy makers and other actors.

The topics covered within DiverIMPACTS practice abstracts range widely but fall into 6 broad categories: Advantages for soil quality and nutrients, enhancing value chains and actor networks, assessments and tools, cover crops, intercropping and strip cropping, and extending crop rotations.

As mentioned above, practice abstracts fill a key role in knowledge exchange and dissemination in the DiverIMPACTS project. So far, we have published over 50 practice abstracts, which are available on the DiverIMPACTS website.


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