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The DiverIMPACTS consortium

DiverIMPACTS has 34 partners from 11 countries and is coordinated by Dr. Antoine Messéan of INRAE, the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. Dr. Didier Stilmant of CRA-W, Belgium, acts as deputy coordinator.

The DiverIMPACTS consortium gathers a wide range of actors (farmers and farmer organisations, advisory services, cooperatives, logistic providers, scientists, industry, representatives of civil society and of rural areas).

Through a multi-actor approach, DiverIMPACTS accompanies and supports innovation groups in their dynamic process to develop sustainable value chain systems characterised by a high level of crop diversification and new market products.

The consortium involves pioneer actors of crop diversification and has strong experience in both the design and multicriteria assessment of innovative systems and the analysis of barriers that impede the transition towards sustainable diversified systems that contribute to the objectives of Rural Renaissance of the Horizon 2020 programme.


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