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FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Switzerland

FiBL is one of the world’s leading organic farming research and technology transfer centres on sustainable agriculture with a big expertise in system design with diversified cropping systems, assessment of weed populations, soil quality assessment, enzyme activities, biodiversity, nutrient uptake and transfer studies, field and on-farm experiments, participatory on-farm research, life cycle assessment, cost-benefit analysis, web management, publications, conference organisation.
FiBL's Department of Soil Sciences is conducting four long-term trials: The DOK trial and three trials with reduced tillage.
The Department of Extension, Training and Communication is in charge of the project dissemination.

Role in the project

In this project, FiBL is involved in two case studies (work package 2) and field experiments on mixed cropping in work package 4. It coordinates work package 7 through the establishment of the project’s website, communication and dissemination activities. It sets and conducts the multi-criteria assessment at farm level with SMART in task 4.3 and is at the interface with other Swiss partners (work packages 5 and 6).

Key persons involved

  • Dr. Paul Mäder
  • Hansueli Dierauer
  • Maike Krauss
  • Sylvain Quiédeville
  • Michael Curran, Leader task 4.3
  • Dr. Helga Willer, Leader work package 7, leader tasks 7.1 and 7.3
  • Laura Kemper
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