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ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Hungary

The strategic goal of ÖMKi is to foster scientific research of an international standard in the field of organic agriculture and food production in Hungary. Its activities are supported by the exemplary scientific background of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), the founder of ÖMKi. ÖMKi organized and now coordinates a nationwide on-farm experimentation network. The network includes a variety of field trials implemented in a participatory manner on Hungarian organic farms (arable crops, horticulture and apiculture). The on-farm research is at the forefront of studying issues of crop management that benefit the farmer and the environment, making a direct impact on growing practices and cropping diversity. In connection with the practical studies, ÖMKi organizes meetings and provides publications to expand Hungarian organic expertise. 

Role in the project

The tasks in the DiverIMPACTS project are to improve the practice and exchange of knowledge on agricultural diversification among farmers, farm advisers and scientists, and through on-station and on-farm trials to assess the performances of selected diversification methods for organic agriculture.

Key persons involved

  • Dr. Dóra Drexler, Leader task 1.1
  • Éva Borbélyné Hunyadi, Case study leader
  • Fruzsina Szira
  • Bence Trugly, Cluster leader
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