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Publications from DiverIMPACTS

The publications from DiverIMPACTS are stored on and announced on the homepage of the DiverIMPACTS website.

Guidelines for uploading to

Please find below guidelines for DiverIMPACTS uploads on, an open-access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program. 

  • If you are new to Zenodo, please sign up.
  • Upload your publication or dataset using the "Upload" link.
  • Under “Communities”, type and select the project community (DiverIMPACTS -
  • Fill out the basic information required.
  • Fill out the DOI field if a DOI has already been assigned to your upload, otherwise leave the DOI field empty and a Zenodo DOI will automatically be created.
  • You may include keywords to facilitate the search of your contribution.
  • Define the access right to your presentation (e.g., open or restricted, i.e., upon request).
  • Under “Funding”, specify the grant which has funded your research (European Commission, DiverIMPACTS (727482)).


Helga Willer, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL

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