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SOCOPRO - Services opérationnels du Collège des producteurs, Belgium

SOCOPRO, a non-profit organisation, is a support service organisation that represents 11 agricultural sectors (including crop and ovine sectors). It has three missions:

  1.  Link farmers to public bodies to improve the agreement between public investments and farmers’ wishes (especially for public research and public advisory services).
  2. Link farmers to other value and supply chains stakeholders to improve agriculture revenues.
  3. Inform professionals and consumers on agricultural value chains.  

SOCOPRO supports the “Collège des Producteurs” which is composed of 44 farmers representatives (4 x 11 sectors) and 22 representatives of other value chain stakeholders (consumer, distribution, processing). Through its missions, it thus has strong relationships with farmers. By law, it is assigned to neutrally represent a large scope of farmers.

Role in the project

In the present case study, farmers are currently involved in different on-farm trials because they relayed their innovating practices with SOCOPRO and because SOCOPRO provides a connection between farmers and research.

Key persons involved

  • Ir. Christel Daniaux
  • Ir. Emmanuel Grosjean
  • Ir. Hélène Louppe
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