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INAGRO - Research and Advice in Agriculture and Horticulture, Belgium

Inagro is a leading centre of applied research and dissemination for Flemish agriculture. It has a separate department for organic agriculture and its own organic research farm. The department’s research and advisory program covers issues including variety choice, weed control, pest and disease management and soil fertility in arable crops, fodder crops and vegetables. The department is the technical partner of the ‘organic farmer networks’ led by BioForum.

Role in the project

Inagro will provide its technical and methodological experiences to the Flemish case studies; it will link them to the DiverIMPACTS ‘Co-Innovation Platform’ (Work package 2) and will deliver needed data and interviews for the work package 1 analyses. Running field experiments will be addressed to the case studies issues to support their diversification strategies. Inagro will share experiences within the consortium and disseminate outcomes to Flemish organic and conventional agriculture.

Key persons involved

  • Lieven Delanote
  • Joran Barbry
  • Kevin De Ceuleners
  • Bart Verhaeghen
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