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DiverIMPACTS online seminars

The DiverIMPACTS online seminar series was a platform to present and exchange practical information about the DiverIMPACTS project and its results, with a focus on the DiverIMPACTS case studies.

Seminars were held monthly and were open to anyone interested. Recordings of the online seminars are added below. 

Past online seminars

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This webinar is organised by DiverIMPACTS WP5, in the context of addressing the challenges at the…


All CS teams are kindly asked to participate in this online seminar.

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In this online seminar, Barbara Koole will present from her work in Task 2.3 using the RIO method…

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Michael Curran, Senior Scientist, Sustainability Assessment at FiBL will prepare this online seminar…

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After the annual DiverIMPACTS meeting a couple of weeks ago; you are invited to the next…

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In this webinar we will hear about the history and evolution of the case study and the field…

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When undertaking crop diversification, questions arise about the pricing of the new crops. To…

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We identified a gap in knowledge around the social impacts of crop diversification at a farm level.…

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In this webinar we will Learn about how Case Studies utilized seed money to fund emerging activities…

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Due to COVID-19, many on-site meetings and workshops, face-to-face interviews and field days have…

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