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CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Center, Belgium

Founded in 1872, the CRA-W is a scientific establishment under the Regional Government of Wallonia. CRA-W employs over 450 people, among them 120 scientists. 
The following lines of research have been identified:

  1. Improving the living environment, environmental protection and sustainable production
  2. Improving human food and protecting consumer health
  3. Diversifying products and their uses, making producers and enterprises more competitive
  4. Adapting species, practices and production systems to changing contexts
  5. Providing decision support for public and private-sector players

Role in the project

CRA-W will be deputy coordinator of DiverIMPACTS. As leader of WP1, it will be responsible for the cognitive mapping methodology, coordinate one case study of organic stockless cropping systems in work package 2, mobilise long-term field trials in work package 3 and be involved in the LCA methodology to evaluate sustainability of the case studies in work package 4.

Key persons involved

  • Dr. Didier Stilmant, Deputy coordinator of the project
  • Dr. Frédéric Vanwindekens, Leader work package 1, leader task 1.2
  • Ir. Daniel Jamar, Work package 2
  • Ir. Donatienne Arlotti, Work package 3
  • Ir. Florence Van Stappen, Work package 4, leader task 4.2
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