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DiverIMPACTS news and news archive

Several Horizon 2020 projects, addressing challenges related to crop diversification, were launched…


The starting point for diversification can be very different, from monoculture to already highly…


The Italian organic sector is expanding rapidly and interest is growing among farmers, extensionists…


DiverIMPACTS project coordinator Antoine Messéan presented the DiverIMPACTS project at the Agri…


On October 2-4, 2017, the first co-innovation workshop with DiverIMPACTS case study partners was…


A major 5-year European project ˗ DiverIMPACTS ˗ was recently launched. The project will explore the…


On 27 June 2017, the actor group of the DiverIMPACTS case study 1 on breaking maize monoculture held…


DiverIMPACTS builds on existing experiences of crop diversification by accompanying 25 multi-actor…


The reduction of nitrate leaching from arable soils was the focus of a field day in Hamerstorf…

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