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How to support the development of crop diversification? The importance of an approach at the value chain level - DiverIMPACTS policy brief

DiverIMPACTS policy brief "How to support the development of crop diversification? The importance of an approach at the value chain level"

This policy brief addresses the following key messages:

  • The implementation of crop diversification requires multiple changes, not only within farming systems but also in terms of creation and development of new value chains. 
  • Targeting support to the many actors that compose and contribute to new value chains, and ensuring better coordination, are thus critical to the creation and development of crop diversification.
  • Key policy recommendations include the allocation of public and private resources towards actors involved in crop diversification, with  special attention paid to the starting and scaling-out phases; and specific support aiming at mitigating or sharing the investment costs and risks along value chains, e.g. through the development of innovative contracts and subsidies schemes.
  • Creating a favorable environment including regulatory stability for new crops, as well as undertaking wide communication campaigns, are critical to reach an increased share for crop diversification products.  

Further information Download Full Policy brief here


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