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Online Seminar: Exchanging experiences managing online and online/on-site events

Due to COVID-19, many on-site meetings and workshops, face-to-face interviews and field days have been replaced by virtual meetings. We now have to find new ways to connect with people. This online seminar will be dedicated to exchanging with others about experiences hosting such events.

This online seminar will use OPEN SPACE so you can bring in your own question, topic, challenge, example or invitation to explore.


  • Welcome
  • Checking in
  • Set the topics: You can already add your topics via these shared Google Slides (Go to slide 7 and double click the sticky notes to add topic and your name). At the start of the meeting you still have some time to bring in a question, topic, challenge, example or invitation.
  • You will choose which group you will join after a short intro round on the breakout topics
  • Conversation (experience exchange) in break-out groups
  • Sharing highlights from the exchange
  • Closing the meeting

Further information

Date and time: Tuesday March 2nd, 2021 11:30-12:30 (CET)

The Open Space Google slides used during the session are available here: DiverIMPACTS - Open Space



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