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Online Seminar: Fair price in the context of crop diversification

When undertaking crop diversification, questions arise about the pricing of the new crops. To encourage farmers to undertake diversification and downstream actors to include these new crops in their business, the price of these new crops should provide additional value and counterbalance the innovation risk-taking. Measuring the level of risk and advantages of the new crops however is not an easy task.

Furthermore, a central objective behind supporting and undertaking crop diversification is sustainability, not only on an environmental perspective but also on a social perspective, which implies a certain fairness of the pricing and added value repartition. This concept of fairness however has wide, multiple definitions.

In the context of DiverIMPACTS, a toolkit to help actors navigating the fair pricing process was developed. This toolkit first relies on a list of 14 criteria that can be used for defining a fair price. Complementary to the list of criteria, a questionnaire was designed for helping actors' groups discussing and establishing a price considered as fair by each and all actors of their value chain.

During this seminar, we will introduce the challenges faced by actors regarding pricing in the context of crop diversification, present the list of criteria identified, and collectively discuss how the proposed framework may apply in different crop diversification contexts such as niches versus long value chains.


  • Presentation (30 min)
    • The challenges of pricing in the context of crop diversification 
    • Fair pricing criteria and tools
    • Examples 
  • Discussion (30 min)
    • Options for assessing the innovation risk-taking and advantages of crop diversification. 
    • How does this framework apply in niches versus mainstream value chains?

Beforehand, we can recommend to go through the paper published by Kevin Morel et al. that highlights the barriers to crop diversification and the types of innovation settings in which crop diversification can be undertaken.

Further information 

Recording Fair price in the context of crop diversification Webinar


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