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Online Seminar: Impact of crop diversification on workload and quality of life

We identified a gap in knowledge around the social impacts of crop diversification at a farm level. Crop diversification necessitates a fundamental change in activities for the production, management, processing and sale of crops as well as new relationships with the value chain. We believe this has implications – positive and negative - for workload and quality of life.

Webinar screenshot.

We, Katie Bliss, Abel Villa and Rowan Dumpert-Pollard (from the ORC team) developed a survey for farmers and growers engaged in case study 2 / 15 / 24 to determine how they perceive crop diversification has impacted a number of social factors including workload, labour organisation and activities. We also sought to identify areas of support needed to embrace crop diversification at the farm, supply chain and policy level. With this survey we explored the impact of crop diversification on the workload and quality of life of diversifying farmers engaged in DiverIMPACT case studies.  How much diversity is too much to handle? 

This workshop will share the method and results of the survey and provide an opportunity to share insights from other case studies and experiences. We also will explore how the insights can inform recommendations for improved support


  • Welcome
  • Introduction to study – Objectives and Method
  • Results and key insights
  • Breakout or group discussion
    • How has crop diversity impacted some of these factors in your own case studies? What observations have you made?
    • How can we better support farmers to enable crop diversification?
  • Closing

Further information:

Recording Impact of Crop Diversification on Workload and Quality of Life Webinar


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