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Online seminar: RIO and how to foster trust in co-innovation projects

In this online seminar, Barbara Koole will present from her work in Task 2.3 using the RIO method (Reflexive Interactive Design) in collaboration with some case studies.

Webinar Screenshot.

During this online seminar, Barbara Koole will present insights from the past years of collaboration with CS3, 19 and 21 in task 2.3, using the RIO method. She will focus on the first two articles that she has written (one published in 2020, the other currently under review) with reflections that may also benefit other case studies and practitioners. It will focus mainly on how to foster trust in co-innovation projects that focus on radical changes in the food system, because this is an essential prerequisite for the intensive collaboration that takes place in DiverIMPACTS case studies and other similar settings.

Further information

Recording RIO and how to foster trust in co-innovation projects Webinar


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