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Online seminar: Some results on the adoption of diversified systems and co-design of contracts

After the annual DiverIMPACTS meeting a couple of weeks ago; you are invited to the next DiverIMPACTS online seminar.

Webinar Screenshot.

M’hand Fares of INRAE will present some results on the adoption of diversified systems and co-design of contracts. The presentation aims to highlight some results from co-design of contracts when the objective is to develop

  • Crop diversification through the adoption of Pea-Wheat association by farmers (of the Walagri Coop; CS 17);
  • Cooperation between breeders and crop growers using grazing of sheep as a substitute to chemical weed control or mechanical weeding (CS 4).

Further information

Recording Some results on the adoption of diversified systems and co-design of contracts Webinar


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