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Online seminar: Synergies between Field Experiments and Case Studies

In this webinar we will hear about the history and evolution of the case study and the field experiment in Switzerland by Maike Krauss and Hansueli Dierauer; in central France by Stéphane Cadoux; and in the Netherlands by Marie Wesselink and Jorieke Potters.

Webinar screenshot.

In DiverIMPACTS, workpackage 3 comprises Field Experiments (FEs). These are statistically designed experiments implemented on experimental stations. They aim to contribute scientifically sound knowledge on crop diversification and for this reason often run over several years to account for variability in growing conditions.

Workpackage 2 of DiverIMPACTS hosts the 25 Case Studies (CSs), where different actors work together to develop diversified cropping systems in practice. They face evolving knowledge needs.

The two workpackages were set up to benefit from each other. In this webinar we take a look ‘from the inside’ and hear from teams that host both a CS and a FE to which degree and how these components provide synergies, or not. The topic is relevant as we feel that both research and practice are struggling to connect the scientific rigour needed to support evidence-based statements with making things work in practice based on the ‘generic’ research findings that in many cases may not be available when needed by frontrunners.

Further information:

Recording Synergies between Field Experiments and Case Studies Webinar


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