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Online Seminar: Use of Seed Money - examples of 'out-of-the-box' activities from other Case Studies

In this webinar we will Learn about how Case Studies utilized seed money to fund emerging activities as part of their strategies for change towards diversified cropping systems.

Webinar Screenshot.

Case studies have been allocated “seed money” in order to help them go beyond “business as usual” and implement unexpected and potentially unconventional activities that would contribute to the co-innovation process with the case study actors. With a little over a year to go in the project, we noticed that some case studies have persistent difficulty in deciding on activities that necessitate seed money funding. In this webinar we hope to stimulate creativity on this topic by learning about activities funded with seed money and how these fit in the crop diversification strategies of the particular case study.


  • Welcome and Checking in
  • Examples of seed money use across DiverIMPACTS
    • Presentations
    • Informative questions
  • Breakout: Consult your colleagues on out of the box ideas for your case study
  • Harvest highlights and Closing

Further information

Recording Use of Seed Money - examples of 'out-of-the-box' activities from other Case Studies Webinar

Results from the webinar



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