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Postdoc: Ex-post analysis of project organization and management for multi-actor approaches

DiverIMPACTS partner Wageningen University & Research is offering a postdoc opportunity, which will draw lessons from the DiverIMPACTS project and aims to contribute insights for more effective design of project structures in research and innovation actions.

The European Union increasingly funds research projects on the condition that they apply a 'multi-actor approach', based on the insight that sustainability solutions need to be built in situ with all relevant actors involved. This requires a different project organization than in analysis-oriented research. In a 1 year externally funded Postdoc project we will ask ourselves how project governance and management contributed to project results that are useful for sustainability changes. This question is addressed by evaluating how in a large Horizon 2020 project the various project components were organized from the perspective of contributing effectively to enhancing crop diversification.

Further information

Postdoc Ex-post analysis of project organization and management for multi-actor approaches


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