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Developing tools that assist with design support approaches to promote cropping system diversification

Authors: Stéphane Cadoux, Gilles Sauzet

Problem: The design of diversified cropping systems for the agroecological transition requires operational tools, adapted to local pedo-climatic conditions, to support the decision-making of farmers or advisors (Le Gal et al. 2011, Duru et al. 2015).

Solution: A prototype of a dashboard has been developed that can help farmers to design and evaluate innovations. The dashboard, co-developed with Case Study 14 (dealing with the diversification of arable cropping systems) addresses concrete agronomic problems, for instance how to lower rapeseed susceptibility to pest damage. Farmers/advisors can either use directly this ‘robust rapeseed dashbord’, or could construct their own. Developing tools that assist with design support approaches to promote cropping system diversification

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