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Agroecological transitions with Syppre

Syppre was launched in 2015 by the three French field crop institutes, also partners of DiverIMPACTS: Arvalis Institut du Végétal, Terres Inovia and the ITB.

Syppre's ambition is to provide answers to society's expectations and to the challenges facing agriculture at the French, European and international level. This takes the form of effective agro-ecology, as advocated by public authorities, research and development organisations; in other words, reconciling agronomy and ecology in a sustainable development approach.

Some Syppre experimental platforms are integrated within DiverIMPACTS as they share the same strategic vision consisting of solving a complex equation, i.e. producing more, offering quality products, working in environmentally friendly conditions and being economically efficient.

This video explains the work being carried out in Syppre and lessons learnt after 5 years studying innovative diversified cropping systems, in particular regarding establishment, fertility and weeds management.

Further information Agroecological transitions with Syppre

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