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HS - Hushållningssällskapet Skåne, Sweden

Hushållningssällskapet, the Rural Economy and Agricultural Society REAS is a national organisation including research, rural development, field experiment, participatory development in plant production, advisory services in the field of plant husbandry, horticulture, organic farming, animal husbandry, farm building consultants, energy and environment and forestry. Hushållningssällskapet Skåne (REAS Scania) is the regional independent organisation, active in Skåne(Scania), the most Southern region in Sweden. REAS in Scania links rural enterprises with research and development. It has worked with the modern concept of participatory development and collaborative research.

Role in the project

REAS Scania is responsible for the facilitation and project management of the case study in work package 2.

Key persons involved

  • Dr. Anita Gunnarsson, Swedish case study in work package 2
  • Per Modig
  • Annika Jonsson
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