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DiverIMPACTS news and news archive

Barriers hindering the development of diversified cropping systems are found not only at the farm…

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A diversity of tools, resources and levers already exist to foster crop diversification. But how can…

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Value chains are known for delivering products and services from conception to the end consumer.…

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The DiverIMPACTS final conference has highlighted how systems approaches and multi-actor approaches…

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This policy brief addresses the following key messages:

  • Actionable knowledge is context-specific…
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In this video Anita Gunnarsson from Hushallningssallskepet Shane and Raj Chongtham from SLU explain…

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Crop diversification is a long-term and dynamic process for farmers. Understanding the different…

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An innovative multi-criteria evaluation method demonstrates the extent to which diversification can…

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Diversification requires using new knowledge and engaging in new collaborations. Yet, trust in…

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Since June 2017, the DiverIMPACTS consortium has been working on assessing the performance of crop…

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