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First co-innovaton workshop held on crop diversification under adverse conditions in Budapest, Hungary

On October 2-4, 2017, the first co-innovation workshop with DiverIMPACTS case study partners was held in Budapest, Hungary. The focus of the multi-actor meeting was on crop diversification under adverse conditions.

Case study leaders and monitors, representing the DiverIMPACTS case studies from Poland, Italy, Switzerland, Romania and Hungary, including members of the project management team participated in the workshop. Visions and missions of these case studies assigned to the cluster called crop 'diversification under adverse conditions' were defined and next steps agreed on how to involve relevant stakeholders.
The workshop was a great kick-off meeting of the joint work.
It was hosted by the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture. Experts from the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture had an insight into the DiverIMPACTS project.

Further Information


  • Dora Meszaros, ÖMKi, Cluster leader


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