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Online seminar: How RIO helped building sustainable value chains for animal production

How to stop the ‘race to the bottom’, with supermarkets offering meat at ever lower prices, with dubious life quality for the animals? What are needs of farmers, value chain actors and animals? How can a diversity of wisdoms be connected for new designs of value chains? How can these value chains continue to exist? RIO (Reflexive Interactive Design) was developed to address these issues. In the presentation we will learn by analogy with a recent case in the broiler chain.

On April 11, Bram Bos from Wageningen Livestock research will present How RIO helped building sustainable value chains for animal production. The seminar is of interest to those who want to learn about approaches to organize the change processes towards crop diversification, taking the analogy of animal production systems as an example.

Bram Bos is a senior scientist at Wageningen Livestock research with a long track record in system innovations for more sustainable animal production systems and, more recently, sustainable water systems. Throughout his work he connects knowledge of actors in society with scientific knowledge.

The DiverIMPACTS online seminar series is a platform to present and exchange practical information about the DiverIMPACTS project and its results, with a focus on the DiverIMPACTS case studies. It is held monthly and is open to anyone interested. 

Further information

Date and time: Thursday 11 April 2019 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM CET

Link to online seminar recording: https://global.gotomeeting.com/play/recording/9186dfe4e1196600c51aa10a73c83316fb319998f1206edac61a82222f6bf303


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