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Online seminar: The final Case Study Learning History – Explaining the Case Study efforts for Deliverable 2.5

All CS teams are kindly asked to participate in this online seminar.

In this online seminar, the WP2 team will explain what is expected from the Case Studies on the reporting for Deliverable 2.5. Taking learning from the previous version of the Learning History (used for D2.3 and done by the CS in December 2019 – February 2020) the WP2 team has developed a new format to support the final reflections of the CSs and to be able to draw lessons across the case studies. The online seminar will go over the various questions in the Learning History, and explain how we think the results can contribute to both CS and generic learning based on an example. With a deadline of 30 November for the Learning Histories this online seminar paves the way for the final reflection effort of the Case Studies required for the project, which at the same time provides the opportunity to consider how to utilize the project legacy for next innovation activities.

Further information


youtube.com: The final Case Study Learning History – Explaining the Case Study efforts for Deliverable 2.5 Webinar


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