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Online seminar: The SMART-Farm Diversification Tool: Development and Evolution in Case Study Applications

Michael Curran, Senior Scientist, Sustainability Assessment at FiBL will prepare this online seminar on "The SMART-Farm Diversification Tool: Development and Evolution in Case Study Applications".

Webinar screenshot.

This online seminar presents an overview of the SMART-Farm Diversification Tool, which is a freely-available assessment and reporting tool for farm sustainability developed under the DiverIMPACTS project. While the tool is still under development, it is currently fully functional and facilitates data collection, analysis and reporting of farm sustainability via the R markdown programming language. The online seminar presents an overview of development of the tool in relation to its implementation in five case studies of the DiverIMPACTS project. Particular attention is put on the feedback generated by the CSs and their participating farmers, and on the results of the assessments in terms of key indicators emerging from the work. The online seminar ends by demonstrating how to use the tool for prospective users interested in learning more about farm sustainability and diversification.

Further information


youtube.com: The SMART-Farm Diversification Tool: Development and Evolution in Case Study Applications


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