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Online seminar: Learning Histories: looking back to look forward

Many of DiverIMPACTS’ case studies are focusing on diversifying farmland by an increased production and consumption of grain legumes. Next to diversification, other reasons for more use of legumes are their low climate impact and high resource efficiency. Moreover, when eaten regularly, dried legumes exert beneficial effects on human health and qualify therefore as functional foods.

The Learning Histories served as a tool for monitoring and reflection for the individual cases studies (CS). They provide not only 25 inspiring stories, but also a rich toolbox on strategies, activities, and learning by the CS. Through this online seminar, the work package 2 team wants to mobilize the Learning Histories analysis as input for the CSs.

The aim of this online seminar is to bring this toolbox to the CS and discuss collectively how this can be of use for the CS teams. We assume that at this point of the project, CS may have questions, such as: What could be next steps for my CS? I'm looking for inspiration, which other CS from DiverIMPACTS can I connect with? How can I better communicate about my CS in the region? I want to scale out, what are my options?

Two CSs will serve as an example of the type of input we could give based on the analysis of the Learning Histories.  


  • Introduction on the Learning Histories and analysis made by WP2. Now we think this could be useful for you as well. This is why we have the webinar (10 minutes);
  • Two special ‘guest CSs’ to discuss possible input (2 x 10 minutes);
  • 20 minutes open for questions and general discussion ( 20 minutes).  

Further information

Date and time: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 3 PM - 4 PM (CEST)

Presenter: Yvonne Cuijpers, Margot Leclere and Lenn Gorissen with the support of CS leaders Marian Blom (Bionext) and Christel Daniaux (Collège des Producteurs)


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