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Diversification of silage maize cultivation by using winter cover crops enabled by ultra-early maize varieties

Authors: Maurits Gorter, Fogelina Cuperus, M. Huiting, M. Wesselink

Problem: Continuous monocropping of silage maize is associated with non-intended impacts on production levels and the environment, such as decreasing soil quality, pressure on biodiversity and ground water quality and increasing GHG-emissions. 

Solution: To counteract these impacts, cover crops are grown in the winter, as a break crop between two maize crops. Using ultra-early maize varieties ensures that these winter crops have more time to grow and increases their positive effects for example to soil quality.

zenodo.org: Diversification of silage maize cultivation by using winter cover crops enabled by ultra-early maize varieties

zenodo.org: Diversificatie van de teelt van snijmaïs door het gebruik van groenbemesters, mogelijk gemaakt door ultravroege maïsrassen

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