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Diversified rotations in protected vegetable production systems

Authors: Claire Lesur-Dumoulin, Ambre Sorgato, Pauline Ibgui, Amélie Lefèvre

Problem: In protected vegetable systems of the Mediterranean area, rotations are based on a limited number of species and botanical families. In the long term, this favours the development of soil pests and diseases.

Solution: In order to diversify rotations, a workshop brought together DiverIMPACTS case study 25 (CS25) participants including farmers, technicians, marketers and scientists, to highlight the importance of:

  • including summer crops of variable cycle length in order to allow the implementation of soil solarisation (thermal soil disinfection based on solar energy)
  • including green manures at different times of the year
  • choosing species that allow cycle shifts to desynchronize pest cycles but also that take advantage of market opportunities.

zenodo.org: Diversified rotations in protected vegetable production systems

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