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Silage sorghum, an alternative to silage maize

Authors: Maike Krauss, Laurens van Run

Problem: Forage production of silage maize becomes increasingly challenging due to soil quality degradation, increasing pressure of diseases and pests, legal limitations in N and P-fertilization rate, higher chances of drought and excessive water due to climate change.

Solution: Silage sorghum deeper roots allow for a better drought tolerance and soil carbon increase. Silage sorghum tolerates less fertiliser and is less susceptible to pests and diseases than maize.

zenodo.org: Silage sorghum, an alternative to silage maize

zenodo.org: Silage-Sorghum, eine Alternative zu Silomais

zenodo.org: Le sorgho d'ensilage, une alternative au maïs d'ensilage

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