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DiverIMPACTS Stakeholder Forum

What is the DiverIMPACTS Stakeholder Forum?

The DiverIMPACTS Stakeholder Forum is an online platform on which the DiverIMPACTS project members aim to come into an active dialogue with representatives from key sectors along the value chain of crop diversification. These representatives include a wide variety of stakeholders, for example farmers’ representatives, advisors, policy makers, industry, retailers, consumers and many other relevant actors.

Why the Stakeholder Forum?

To achieve the full potential and benefits of diversifying cropping systems across Europe, the active exchange of challenges and opportunities along the value chain, and engaged participation of stakeholders from a variety of sectors and with a range of experiences is a crucial factor. The forum serves as a platform for stakeholders to engage with the project, feed back their own experiences and perspectives on the proposed project work, and highlight needs and challenges in their specific sector that should be addressed. It aims to enable a dialogue where participants share their expertise and address key issues. The forum also serves as a tool to raise awareness about the DiverIMPACTS project.

How to participate?

To join the DiveriMPACTS Stakeholder Forum, please subscribe.

Throughout the project, DiverIMPACTS will use the forum in order to engage in dialogue, consultation and discussion with forum members. The forum also provides a platform for disseminating updates and newest results, developments, information about DiverIMPACTS events, and our biannual newsletter. As part of our engagement process, we will also use the stakeholder forum to take stakeholder perceptions and opinions into account. This means that we may ask you to participate in an online survey or other means of gathering your opinion and feedback.

Your opinion and expertise matters to us and we would very much like for you to be part of the process and the DiverIMPACTS project.

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